Monaca: High Performance Web View(Crosswalk WebView) 13 Update

Thank you for using Monaca!
We will perform an update of High Performance Web View(Crosswalk WebView) for Cordova 4.1 on the Android build system.

■ Update Date

Thursday, June 18, 2015 19:00 (JST)
You can use the build system during the update.

■ Update Target

Monaca Cloud IDE: Build feature and Custom Debugger
Monaca Localkit: Remote build feature
Monaca Debugger(High Perf): will be released as version 4.1.5.

■ Update Details

We will update Crosswalk for Cordova 4.1 from to 13.42.319.11.
This will solve an issue when hitting the backspace key in Japanese input mode.
Projects of Cordova 3.5 are not affected.

You can see more details at:

If this update causes any issues in apps currently in development, we will not take any responsibility.


